Height 26 inches
Width 9.5
Depth 7.5
Weight 15 kg
Materials- Chola Lost Wax Process Bronze
Kalinga Krishna
Hare Om!! Young Krishna triumphs over the evil 5 five-headed cobra Kalinga. Young Krishna was beseeched by local villagers along the Yamuna River to banish the evil Kalinga from their lives and lifeblood the sacred Yamuna River. The evil Kalinga had made the river poison for humans to consume and was wreaking havoc on their pastoral life which depended on the purity of the sacred Yamuna’s waters. Taking pity on his disciples Krishna leaped into action. After a fierce battle, Krishna prevailed and was about to cut off Kalinga’s 5 heads when he was petitioned for mercy by Kalinga’s wives who took the shape of the Nag Kama. Krishna agreed to spare Kalinga’s life on the condition that he retreat to the deepest ocean and never trouble the earth’s human population again. Kalinga agreed and retreated to the deepest ocean where he remains to this day. This one of a kind Chola Lost Wax Process Bronze displays the young Krishna at a unique time in his life. It is said this is when he was crowned by the villagers for his bravery and henceforth is displayed with a full crown as opposed to his long hair tied askew on top of his head as he is depicted in his adolescent years.
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